About Us
Established in Newport in 1869 to help local people build homes, we now help people across Wales and England buy properties and save for their future.
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Vote Online

To vote online you will need your User ID and Password.

If you received your AGM pack by post, these can be found on the Proxy Voting Form.

If you received your AGM pack by email, please use the link in your email instead. 

Cast Your Vote


Prize Draw Terms and Conditions

  1. No purchase necessary. If you wish to enter the Free Prize Draw, please return the questionnaire with your name completed using the pre-paid envelope provided, or post to: Brand & Communications Department, ‘AGM Draw’, Monmouthshire Building Society, John Frost Square, Newport, South Wales, NP20 1PX.
  2. Only one entry per eligible Monmouthshire Building Society Member. The closing date is Wednesday 21st August 2024 at 12 noon. The Prize draw will take place on Thursday 5th September 2024 at 12 noon.
  3. The winner will be selected at random from entries received by the closing date and notified within 14 days. The winner will be contacted no later than Thursday 5th September 2024. The first name drawn at random will win a gift card of their choice to the value of £250. A donation to a charity of the winner’s choice will also be made to the value of £250. If the winner does not want to nominate a charity, the £250 donation will be made to our charity partner, Shelter Cymru.
  4. The prize of a gift card to the value of £250 will be sent to the winner’s correspondence address held by the Society within 14 days after notification. If the winner fails to respond within 14 days after being notified, this may result in forfeiture of the prize and we reserve the right to select another prize winner at random.
  5. The prize must be accepted as offered and is non-transferable.
  6. The judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
  7. The prize draw is open to Members who are UK residents aged 18 years and over, except the employees of Monmouthshire Building Society or any other company associated with this competition, and their families.
  8. Proof of posting cannot be accepted as proof of delivery. No responsibility can be accepted for entries that are lost, delayed or damaged.
  9. The winner accepts that Monmouthshire Building Society may wish to capitalise on any publicity resulting from this prize draw and are obliged to participate in such activity. This will include photographs, although these will only be published with your prior written consent. You will not incur any costs as a result of being involved in any publicity campaign linked to the prize draw. We will only use your data to contact you if you are selected as a winner. We will not use it for marketing purposes except as described above.
  10. You can obtain the winner’s surname and county of residence at any time after the date of the draw by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to us at: Brand & Communications Department, Monmouthshire Building Society, John Frost Square, Newport, NP20 1PX.
  11. If any entrant is found not to have fully complied with these terms, then Monmouthshire Building Society reserve the right to disqualify them and may select another winner at random. Monmouthshire Building Society reserves the right to recover any prize awarded if it transpires that the winner was not eligible or entitled to it.
  12. Entry into this prize draw assumes acceptance of these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales.


At the meeting, you’ll have an opportunity to ask the Board and senior management team any questions, but if you’re unable to attend, or if you prefer us to raise your questions on your behalf, we welcome your questions in advance.

Simply email your question to AGMQuestions@monbs.com